Angela DeRosa, D.O. on the Use of Pellets for HRT in Men and Women

In this conversation with Dr. Rob Kominiarek, Dr. Angela DeRosa discusses her focus on using pellets for HRT therapy in her practice. Dr. DeRosa will be presenting in the Advanced Work-shop on Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women at November’s AMMG conference in Dallas.

Cannabis for Aging Adults Can Help Treat Common Health Conditions
Crystal Willson
People from the older age group have been using cannabis for symptom management and to treat several ailments like pain, insomnia, and mental health disorders like anxiety and depres-sion. There are several reports and studies to back up their case.

Could the Osteoporosis Drug Alendronate Ward Off Diabetes?
Metabolically Healthy Obesity’ Has Heart Risks. Is it a Misnomer?
How Highly Processed Foods Harm Memory in the Aging Brain
Daily Aspirin May Harm More Than Help Seniors: US Medical Panel |
Exercise Reduces Long-term Risk of Anxiety Disorders in Men and Women, Study Finds
Study: Fewer Men Receive Testosterone Replacement Therapy After FDA Warnings
Brian P. Dunleavy
Use of testosterone replacement therapy among older men in the United States declined after warnings about the risks to those with heart disease, a study found. Prescriptions for the hormone replacement therapy fell by about one-third between 2011 and 2018, even in men without pre-existing heart disease, the data showed.

New Treatment Destroys Head and Neck Cancer Tumors
Clara Olsbansky
In a landmark trial, a cocktail of immunotherapy medications harnessed patients’ immune sys-tems to kill their own cancer cells and prompted “a positive trend in survival”, according to re-searchers at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London, and the Royal Marsden NHS foundation trust.

Fat Levels in Liver and Pancreas of Key Importance in Driving Type 2 Diabetes
Becky McCall
Losing 10-15% of body weight can achieve type 2 diabetes remission in people with normal body mass index (BMI) show findings from the ReTUNE trial. This is in contrast to the widely held be-lief that such patients can only be managed with medication.

The #1 Vitamin to Take to Reduce Your Alzheimer’s Risk, New Study Says Clara Olsbansky
Clara Olsbansky
New research suggests that, for some, a diet rich in vitamin B12 can play a key role in fighting off Alzheimer's disease

This e-Journal is the Official Publication of the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), and is provided to industry colleagues and friends free of charge. The E-Journal of Age Management Medicine, Greg Fillmore & Rick Merner, Co-Publishers.
The Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) is a division of Red River Solutions, Inc. with a goal of providing education and information on the sub-specialty of Age Management Medicine to physicians and healthcare professionals through evidence based continuing medical education conferences, workshops, seminars and publications. Age Management Medicine is a proactive, preventative approach focused on preservation of optimum human function and quality of life making every effort to modulate the process of aging prior to the onset of degenerative aging. The basic tenets of Age Management Medicine are patient evaluation through extensive medical history, lifestyle assessment, physical examination and laboratory evaluation to establish personalized proactive treatment plans consisting of proper diet, exercise, stress management and appropriate medical interventions.
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