Prostate Cancer an Age Management Priority
Jeff Morris
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind lung cancer. About 1 man in 9 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. With that in mind, AMMG has scheduled a 4-session block on this important topic at the November Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine Conference.
Can Learning Genomic Risk Really Affect Behavior?
Tara Haelle
A study found that high percentages of participants had lost weight and quit smoking a year and a half after learning their risk for ischemic heart disease, based on both traditional and genomic risk factors.
The E-Journal of Age Management Medicine, Greg Fillmore & Rick Merner, Co-Publishers. This e-Journal is the Official Publication of the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), and is provided to industry colleagues and friends free of charge.
The Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) is a division of Red River Solutions, Inc. with a goal of providing education and information on the new sub-specialty of Age Management Medicine to physicians and healthcare professionals through evidence based continuing medical education conferences, workshops, seminars and publications. Age Management Medicine is a proactive, preventative approach focused on preservation of optimum human function and quality of life making every effort to modulate the process of aging prior to the onset of degenerative aging. The basic tenets of Age Management Medicine are patient evaluation through extensive medical history, lifestyle assessment, physical examination and laboratory evaluation to establish personalized proactive treatment plans consisting of proper diet, exercise, stress management and appropriate medical interventions.
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phone: (239) 330-7495
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