Dushyant Viswanathan, M.D., ABIM, ABoIM, AACE
Chief Medical Officer, The Columbia Center for Integrative Medicine, Columbia, MD & Los Angeles, CA
Dr. DV, Dushyant Viswanathan, is a dual board certified Integrative Internal Medicine specialist who is the Chief
Medical Officer of the Columbia Center for Integrative Medicine (CCIMHealth) which serves patients on both
coasts: Columbia, MD and Los Angeles, CA. opened services in Columbia, Maryland in 2012 and then opened in
Southern California in 2015. Dr DV specializes in chronic disease reversal by painstaking diagnostic and therapeutic efforts to balance the endocrine system and gut microbiome. He also is a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and offers endocrinology services to patients in Southern California. His approach to endocrinology is unique in that it connects the patient clinically to the gut microbiome which is the origin of much of the inflammation that leads to the endocrine problems to begin with. In the world of integrative medicine, Dr. DV is considered as one of the most relevant specialists in enteroimmunology (gut microbiome) working today. CCIMHealth is one of the unique integrative medicine services that specifically focuses on body microbiomes, endocrinology, and enteroimmunology.
As a result of his stellar clinical credentials, he has also been chosen to take leadership positions. He served as
Department Chair of Internal Medicine at Lompoc Valley Medical Center from 2017 to 2020, is a faculty speaker at
the Age Management Medicine conference. He has many case reports of patients who have experienced chronic
disease reversal of various pathologies: prostatopathy, diabetes, obesity, Graves disease, chronic fatigue, painful
arthropathy, fibromyalgia, and more.