Jill E. Stocker, D.O.

Stocker, Jill E. - D.O.

Jill E. Stocker, D.O.

  • President, Jill E. Stocker, D.O. PC

Dr. Jill Stocker, who refers to herself as Dr. “Juicy” Jill, says she is not your “traditional” doctor. “As a specialist in Age Management Medicine and Hormonal Optimization, I have made it my life’s work to help women (and men!) RECLAIM their sense of Self, JUICINESS, Edge, and Vitality! I help people fully realize, embrace, and CELEBRATE their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual health and vitality! I truly am so passionate about my work because I not only experienced my own challenges with hormonal imbalance, but grew up watching my mother become suicidal because of hers, which was mistreated with anti-depressants rather than hormonal optimization. I practiced standard medicine for the first ten years of my practice, but it wasn’t until I began studying Hormonal Optimization and became a patient myself that I truly felt a ‘rumbling’ happen inside of me to do something MORE.  I started to feel excited by life for the first time in a long time, experiencing my own ‘Hormonal Awakening’.  It was as if the veil or fog had lifted and I could now be more fully present and alive for myself, my life, and my children.  I went from surviving to THRIVING, and want this for my patients as well.  We all deserve to truly live our lives out loud, rather than just exist. My goal is to help people find that ‘inner sparkle’ in their eyes…to discover their true passion and purpose in life, and then make it come to life!”

Dr. Stocker was named one of LA Magazine’s Top Doctors of Preventive Medicine 2018 and 2019, and one of UpJourney’s Top Personal Development Expert to Follow in 2019. Â