Peter Hellberg
- BestLife Holdings, Cenegenics Philadelphia
Mr. Peter Hellberg currently holds the position of Performance Health Coach where he supports the clinical implementation of lifestyle management, nutritional interventions, and exercise programming for a leading concierge age management practice.
In his role as a Performance Health Coach, he conducts diagnostics, including body composition and bone density screenings, carotid ultrasound, and ECG with resting vitals. He conducts fitness assessments including relative strength, flexibility, and cardiopulmonary testing. Peter also counsels patients regarding age management and goal-specific nutrition programs for optimizing health and body composition. He designs and programs exercise programs specific to the individual patient derived from their needs analysis.
Peter received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Villanova University and then went on to earn a Master of Science degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion from Florida Atlantic University where he was a graduate assistant. He taught undergraduate courses in Exercise Science and Health Promotion and conducted research in the human performance laboratory. Peter has worked and been involved in the health and wellness industry for over 15 years and continues to enjoy researching and advocating for preventive wellness and balanced lifestyle.