Brian Gerber, M.D.
- Urologist and Chief of Surgery, St. Joseph Hospital in Elgin, IL
- AMMG life member
Dr. Gerber is a board-certified urologist practicing in Elgin, IL. He is the president and medical director of both Urology Care Center and Optimal Aging Institute both in Elgin, IL. He is a mentor and a proctor helping new physicians in learning how to treat their patients with Hormonal Therapy. In January 2021, he was a guest on the TV show “The Balancing Act” discussing “A men’s guide to balancing Hormones “He has lectured on various topics mostly involving Urology issues and Hormone Optimization. He did his urology residency at the University of Illinois in Chicago and completed a fellowship in Age Management Medicine with the Cenegenics Medical and Research Institute. He is a Husband and father of 5 children and keeps himself active with his children’s sports (Varsity Basketball, Soccer, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Volleyball, Track, and swimming). He is a Referee, Starter, and Judge for Itasca Park Swim Team.