Lindsey Wells, N.D.
Naturopathic Physician, Wilton, CT
Dr. Lindsey Wells is a naturopathic physician located in Wilton Connecticut. She focuses her practice on pediatric integrative care for PANS/PANDAS, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Tickborne Illnesses, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Also, she cares for the parents of her pediatric patients which allows for a comprehensive model of care for the whole family. She currently serves as the President of the Connecticut Naturopathic Physicians Association (CNPA) and is a Fellow of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs. She frequently lectures on PANS/PANDAS and ASD to both professional and parent organizations, and is the author of the children’s book, Super Sam and the Battle Against PANS/PANDAS. In 2016, Dr. Wells was recognized as “Young Influencer in Naturopathic Medicine” by the AANMC.