Medicina Preventiva del Manejo del Envejecimiento para medicos y profesionales de la salud en español

Medicina Preventiva del Manejo del Envejecimiento para medicos y profesionales de la salud en español

$85.00 (NON-CME)

Esta sesión está diseñada para llevar una sección transversal de temas basados ​​en medicina del manejo de la edad a médicos y profesionales de la salud para quienes el español es su idioma principal. Cada conferencia en esta sesión se realizará en español y los asistentes podrán participar en las sesiones de preguntas y respuestas en español con la facultad

This course is designed to bring a cross section of evidence-based topics in Age Management Medicine to physicians and healthcare professionals for whom Spanish is their primary language. Every lecture in this track will be done in Spanish and attendees are welcome to participate in question and answer sessions, also in Spanish, with faculty.


La terapia de reemplazo hormonal es una piedra angular de la medicina para el manejo de la edad. Los pacientes masculinos a menudo pueden pasar por un diagnóstico insuficiente debido a la aparición gradual de los síntomas y al rechazo a buscar intervenciones médicas. Esta conferencia cubrirá los fundamentos de la TRH para hombres. Se discutirán los protocolos de prueba y dosificación de testosterona, estrógeno y DHEA. Se revisarán los ejemplos de casos, enfatizando la continuidad del paciente y el seguimiento adecuado.


Hormone Replacement Therapy is a cornerstone of Age Management Medicine. Male patients can often go underdiagnosed due to gradual onset of symptoms and refusal to seek medical interventions. This lecture will cover the fundamentals of HRT for men. Testosterone, Estrogen and DHEA testing and dosing protocols will be discussed. Case examples will be reviewed, emphasizing patient continuity and proper follow up.

Luis Martínez, M.D., MPH

Esta conferencia cubrirá las interacciones y los efectos biológicos de las hormonas en pacientes de sexo femenino, cómo detectar desequilibrios en los niveles hormonales y cómo identificar candidatos para la terapia de reemplazo hormonal (TRH). También se discutirán los beneficios, los efectos secundarios y la variedad de métodos para la TRH, con énfasis en las estrategias de tratamiento con la TRH bioidéntica.


This lecture will cover the interactions and biological effects of hormones in female patients, how to test for imbalances on hormone levels and how to identify candidates for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The benefits, side effects and variety of methods for HRT will also be discussed with emphasis placed on treatment strategies with bio-identical HRT.

Alma C. Pontón Nigaglioni, M.D., FACOG

Optimización hormonal, nutrición, nutracéuticos, ejercicio, control del estrés, entrenamiento cerebral, desintoxicación, control longitudinal de la salud y biomarcadores de longevidad … Todos ellos son enfoques diferentes para un envejecimiento saludable y funcional. Todos ellos interactúan con los demás. El declive hormonal a lo largo de la vida provoca una cantidad conocida de signos y síntomas que coincide con los signos y síntomas del proceso de envejecimiento; fatiga, baja vitalidad, mente nublada, pérdida de masa corporal magra, pérdida de densidad ósea, aumento de la grasa corporal, pérdida de la libido y función sexual … Es bien sabido que la optimización hormonal revierte la mayoría de estos signos y síntomas. Por otro lado, el nivel de aptitud física se correlaciona con la morbimortalidad y la longevidad. El nivel de condición física disminuye a lo largo de la vida debido al proceso de envejecimiento, pero sabemos que con un programa de ejercicios adecuado, es posible mantener la condición física en los niveles de nuestra juventud. Pero la optimización hormonal es necesaria, para la mayoría de nuestros pacientes, para realizar un programa de ejercicios adecuado. En esta conferencia, veremos las últimas publicaciones sobre los efectos de la optimización de las hormonas principales en los biomarcadores de aptitud física y su relación con la salud y la longevidad.


Hormonal optimization, nutrition, nutraceuticals, exercise, stress control, brain training, detox, longitudinal control of health and longevity biomarkers… All of them are different approaches for a healthy and functional aging. All of them interact with the others. The hormonal decline through life provokes a known amount of signs and symptoms that matches with the signs and symptoms of the aging process; fatigue, low vitality, foggy mind, loss of lean body mass, loss of bone density, increase of body fat, loss of libido and sexual function. It is well known that hormonal optimization reverses most of these signs and symptoms. On the other hand, the physical fitness level correlates with morbimortality and longevity. The physical fitness level declines through life due to the aging process but we know that with a proper exercise program, it is possible to maintain physical fitness on youthful levels. But hormonal optimization is needed for most of our patients to do a proper exercise program. In this lecture we will have a look at the latest publications about the effects of optimization of the main hormones on physical fitness biomarkers and their relation with health and longevity.

Ángel Durántez, M.D., Ph.D.

Ha habido una gran cantidad de controversia con respecto a los efectos de la terapia con testosterona en las enfermedades del corazón. Este ha sido un tema importante en nuestros medios de comunicación nacionales, así como en la comunidad médica. Desafortunadamente, los informes han llevado a una cantidad significativa de información errónea, así como a la incertidumbre tanto en la mente de los médicos como de los pacientes. ¿La terapia con testosterona lleva a enfermedades del corazón? ¿Es segura la terapia con testosterona? ¿Hay un individuo en riesgo porque él o ella estaba en terapia de testosterona en el pasado? Esta conferencia ofrecerá una revisión de la literatura médica y permitirá que el médico y el paciente tomen la decisión correcta e informada con respecto a la terapia con testosterona.


There has been a significant amount of controversy regarding the effects of testosterone therapy on heart disease. This has been a major topic in our national media as well as the medical community. Unfortunately, the reports have led to a significant amount of misinformation as well as uncertainty both in the minds of doctors and patients. Does testosterone therapy lead to heart disease? Is testosterone therapy safe? Is an individual at risk because he or she was on testosterone therapy in the past? This lecture will offer a review of the medical literature and allow the physician and the patient to make the correct and informed decision regarding testosterone therapy.

Cesar M. Pellerano, M.D.

La salud sexual es un factor crucial en la salud femenina a cualquier edad, especialmente en la perimenopausia y la menopausia ya que se ve afectada significativamente por el equilibrio hormonal y es un factor importante en la salud de las relaciones. En esta conferencia, se revisarán los cambios hormonales que conducen a la pérdida del libido, trastornos vulvares y vaginales. Se discutirán las intervenciones terapéuticas clínicas, tanto hormonales como no hormonales. Estas terapias tienen un impacto positivo en la salud sexual. Se recomienda realizar más investigaciones para documentar la eficacia, la dosis y la duración del tratamiento de los tratamientos hormonales vaginales.


This lecture will address Hot Topics in Women’s Sexual Health, which include Brain Gut connection of course! Lecture will highlight hormonal physiology and the connection to behavior, vaginal androgen therapy for vaginal restoration, and the modern day woman’s predominant issue of stress and how it affects us.

Anna Cabeca, D.O., FACOG, ABoIM

Con estos antecedentes, vengo a contarles algunas de las lecciones que he aprendido sobre el bienestar y la atención médica. Esta conferencia general se centrará en la dieta, el sueño, el ejercicio, la consistencia en las rutinas de la vida, incluidas las hormonas, y la conexión significativa con los demás como piedras angulares del bienestar. La dieta estadounidense es responsable de muchas de las condiciones de salud que el sistema médico estadounidense paga en gran medida por tratar. Te mostraré lo que me hizo después de seis meses en Estados Unidos. También discutiré cómo la medicina convencional decepcionó a muchas mujeres. Reemplazo hormonal después de considerar la menopausia, “dar a las mujeres cáncer de mama” sobre la base de datos erróneos de reemplazo hormonal no bioidéntico. Podemos hacerlo mejor con una evaluación cuidadosa del riesgo y el beneficio individual. Desde la perimenopausia hasta la menopausia, a medida que caen las hormonas de las mujeres, debemos mantener sus niveles fisiológicos normales y prevenir los cambios metabólicos que ocurren debido a la pérdida de estrógeno. Mantener niveles normales de hormonas saludables puede agregar calidad de vida, pero el manejo no es simple. La ruta, la dosis, los mecanismos de administración implican una decisión reflexiva e individualizada entre el médico y un paciente educado.


With this background I come to you to tell you some of the lessons I’ve learned about wellness and health care. This general lecture will focus on Diet, Sleep, Exercise, consistency in life routines including hormones, and meaningful connection to others as cornerstones of wellness. The American Diet is responsible for many of the health conditions that the American medical system pays heavily to treat. I’ll show you what it did to me after six months in America. I will also discuss how conventional medicine let down many women. Hormone replacement after menopause was considered, “giving women breast cancer” based on flawed data from non-bioidentical hormone replacement. We can do better with careful assessment of risk and individual benefit. From the perimenopause to the menopause, as women’s hormones fall, we should maintain their normal physiological levels and prevent the metabolic changes that happen due to estrogen loss. Maintaining normal healthy hormone levels can add quality of life, but the management is not simple. The route, the dose, the mechanics of administration all involve thoughtful, individualized decisions between doctor and an educated patient.

Beatriz Rodriguez Olson, M.D., FACP

El estrés es definido como “Un estado disarmónico o de compromiso de la homeostasis fisiológica,” esto es, del equilibrio del medio interno. Es una condición que desencadena un fenómeno biológico específico que es la “respuesta adaptativa al estrés.” La respuesta al estrés fue diseñada para mantenernos con vida ante un desafío fisiológico o ante una amenaza, sin embargo, la excesiva, prolongada o inadecuada regulación de esta respuesta al estrés va a suponer consecuencias para la salud. Hay dos términos importantes que es necesario conocer en relación a la respuesta al estrés: (1) Homeostasis: que es el estado fisiológico de balance que es sensible a una variedad de estresores tanto intrínsecos como extrínsecos (reales o percibidos); (2) Alostasis: es la vuelta a la estabilidad tras el cambio o tras la reacción al estrés. La existencia de ambos fenómenos, la homeostasis y la alostasis, precisan de la existencia de una reserva metabólica (vitaminas, minerales, aminoácidos, neuroesterorides, etc) que va a apoyar al organismo para que tenga una mayor resiliencia fisiológica. Un fallo en la alostasis, puede desencadenar un agotamiento de las reservas metabólicas pues, como decíamos, la respuesta al estrés, mueve recursos y cambia la función metabólica para hacer frente a la demanda actual de supervivencia, con el coste de reducir el almacén de material que puede provocar una disfunción metabólica en el largo plazo, sobre todo, si el estrés se cronifica y acaba agotando todas las reservas de los tejidos. Estas disfunciones metabólicas, que se manifiestan en forma de enfermedades crónicas, se producen porque los recursos metabólicos que se han movilizado para hacer frente a la crisis, son controladas por las mismas vías metabólicas que se usan para manejar los recursos metabólicos en las no crisis. El estrés “fuerza” entonces la resiliencia fisiológica y consume la reserva metabólica de cada tejido. Cuando nosotros exponemos a los tejidos a esta constante demanda con poco tiempo para recomponerse, algunos de estos tejidos no podrán simplemente soportar la carga, siendo entonces el comienzo de la disfunción que llegará a ser, si no se le impide, una enfermedad crónica. El coste de sobrevivir a repetidos eventos estresantes es la potencial depleción de las reservas en todos los tejidos. El desafío para el clínico de hoy es medir el estatus del sistema de respuesta al estrés de un individuo y relacionar ese estatus con la presentación clínica de cada individuo. Los objetivos principales del tratamiento de la Medicina del Estrés son el aumento de la resiliencia fisiológica y de la reserva metabólica para hacer frente a las demandas del entorno, así como la regeneración de los tejidos afectados por la respuesta crónica al estrés. La integración de la Medicina del Estrés como base para el manejo y prevención de las enfermedades crónicas comienza a dar sus primeros pasos y se postula como un potencial estandarte en el cambio del abordaje del paciente en la medicina del siglo 21.


Stress is defined as “a disharmonic or compromising state of physiological homeostasis,” that is, of the equilibrium of the internal environment. It is a condition that triggers a specific biological phenomenon that is the “adaptive response to stress.” This response was designed to keep us alive in the face of a physiological challenge or a threat, however, the excessive, prolonged or inadequate regulation of this response to stress has health consequences. There are two important terms that need to be known in relation to the stress response: (1) Homeostasis: which is the physiological state of balance that is sensitive to a variety of both intrinsic and extrinsic stressors (real or perceived); (2) Allostasis: the return to stability through change or after the reaction to stress. The existence of both phenomena, homeostasis and allostasis, require the existence of a metabolic reserve (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, neurosteroids, etc.) that supports the body to have a greater physiological resilience. A failure in the allostasis, can trigger a depletion of the metabolic reserves because, as we said, the response to stress mobilizes resources and changes the metabolic function to face the current demand for survival, with the cost of reducing the storage of material that can cause a metabolic dysfunction in the long term, especially if stress becomes chronic and ends up exhausting all the reserves of the tissues. These metabolic dysfunctions, expressed in the form of chronic diseases, occur because the metabolic resources that have been mobilized to cope with the crisis are controlled by the same metabolic pathways that are used to manage metabolic resources in non-crises. Stress then “forces” the physiological resilience and consumes the metabolic reserve of each tissue. When we expose tissues to this constant demand with little time to recover, some of these tissues will simply not be able to bear the burden, beginning the dysfunction that will become, if not prevented, a chronic disease. The cost of surviving repeated stressful events is the potential depletion of reserves in all tissues. The challenge for today’s clinician is to measure the status of an individual’s stress response system and relate that status to the individual clinical presentation of each individual. The main objectives of the treatment of Stress Medicine are the increase of the physiological resilience and the metabolic reserve to face the demands of the environment, as well as the regeneration of the tissues affected by the chronic response to stress. The integration of Stress Medicine as a basis for the management and prevention of chronic diseases begins to take its first steps and is postulated as a potential standard in the change of the approach of the patient in 21st century medicine.

Paula Martin-Marfil, M.D., MSc


  • Medical Director, Vida Pura Health, Golden Isles Medical, Inc., St. Simons Island, GA

Anna Cabeca D.O., FACOG, ABoIM

Dr. Anna Cabeca is an internationally-acclaimed menopause and sexual health expert, global speaker and pioneering promoter of women’s health. She is Emory University-trained and triple board-certified in gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine and anti-aging and regenerative medicine, and is the author of “The Hormone Fix,” a diet and holistic lifestyle program for menopausal women.

Her areas of specialty include bio-identical hormone treatments and natural hormone-balancing strategies, and she has received extensive notoriety for her virtual transformational programs including Women‘s Restorative Health, Sexual CPR® and Magic Menopause. She created the successful and popular alkaline superfoods drink Mighty Maca® PLUS, and a top-selling, rejuvenating feminine vulvar cream for women, Julva®. In her spare time, Dr. Cabeca hosts the highly-regarded series “Couch Talk,” featuring compelling podcasts focused on a wide variety of important health and wellness topics.
She was named “2018 Innovator of the Year” by Mindshare, the #1 conference for health and wellness influencers, and was also honored with the prestigious 2017 Alan P. Mintz award, presented annually by the Age Management Medicine Group to the most outstanding physician who displays clinical excellence and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Cabeca has reached hundreds of thousands of women around the globe, inspiring them to reclaim their optimal health and realize they can journey through menopause and find more purpose and pleasure than they ever dreamed possible. She balances her passion for women’s health with faith, grace and skill, while raising her four daughters, and leading the non-profit foundation she created in honor of her son, Garrett V. Bivens, who tragically died as a toddler.

Dr. Cabeca infuses her presentations with humor, raw connection and passion, and she impacts lives each and every day. Follow her journey on her blog at and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

  • Owner and Medical Director of Clinica Dr. Durantez, Madrid, Spain

Durantez, Angel - M.D., Ph.D.Licensed in medicine and surgery by the Autonomous University of Madrid with high honors (1987). Specialist in sport and exercise medicine (1990). PhD Cum Laude in Medicine (1997). Certified in Age Management Medicine with Cenegenics Education and Research Foundation (CERF) with 60 credits AMA (2011). Dr. Durantez has practiced sport medicine since 1988 with medical clinics, athletic teams, sport federations and numerous athletes of all levels and categories from exercise for health to Olympic athletes. Since 2005, Dr. Durantez has developed and led several projects in Medical Fitness and Age Management Medicine. He has attended hundreds of interviews in all types of media, has written hundreds of divulgative articles and is a regular international speaker. Currently, Dr. Durantez is the Medical Director of his own Clinic in Madrid and a well-known clinician in Age Management Medicine in Spain.

  • Anti-Aging & Stress Management Medicine (Europe-Middle East)

Dr. Paula Martín-Marfil is a psychiatric specialist and graduate in medicine from the University of Navarra, with a master’s degree in Mental Health Research from the Consortium of five Spanish Universities, CIBERSAM (Mental Health Research Spanish Network) and Diplomated in Nutrigenomics and Orthomolecular Medicine from the Spanish Society of Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine. She is a member of the International Society of Nutritional Psychiatry Research (ISNPR) and is currently working on her Ph.D. in the field of Stress and Metabolism in the Endothelium and Cardiometabolic Medicine Unit of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid. She has a private practice and works between Beirut and Madrid. In her passion for the management of stress, from the control of inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction (for her the physical key of the field of psychiatry), she found Anti-aging Medicine and Stress Management Medicine, beginning her career with Dr. José Sabán, collaborating in his Endothelium and Cardiometabolic Medicine Unit of Hospital Ramón y Cajal, and participating with the chapter “Depressive disorder and endothelial dysfunction, synergies in diagnosis and treatment” in his last treatise “Global Control of Cardiometabolic Risk: endothelial dysfunction as a preferential target”. She continued her training in Anti-aging Medicine in Spain with Dr. Ángel Durántez, continuing with brief training stays in clinics in the U.S. with Dr. Comité, Mexico (Neovitality, Stress & Sleep Center) and Belgium (Dr. Hertoghe Clinic), to finally start her private practice in Lebanon and Spain. Her work focuses on Stress Management in 3 variants: Anti-aging, Pre/post Surgery and Stress Relief/BurnOut/PTSD, using cognitive performance enhancement with personalized evidence-based medicine programs that include nutrition, exercise, oral and parenteral supplementation, hormonal optimization and psychotherapy. She is also the creator of the BoosterHeal pre/post surgery program for the management of metabolic stress in surgery and the improvement of patient outcomes and recovery.

  • President, Regenera Global, Ponce, Puerto Rico
  • President, XanoGene Clinic, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Luis Martinez, M.D., MPHDr. Luis Martínez is a Regenerative and Cell Therapy specialist, clinical researcher and biomedical consultant. He earned his medical degree at The Ponce School of Medicine and completed his residency training at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania. He also completed an Advanced Training Course in Stem Cells in Cancer at the Ponce Health Sciences University/Magee Research Institute consortium. He is board certified in Clinical Lipidology. Dr. Martinez holds a Masters of Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology and is fellowship trained in Biosecurity. He is the president of XanoGene Clinic, which specializes in Regenerative and Age Management Medicine. He also founded and presides over Regenera Global, a multinational corporation specializing in biotech product development, research, and clinical consulting. Dr. Martinez has advised and helped set up various clinics and laboratories in Latin America within the Regenerative Medicine space. He also serves on the advisory board for various biotech companies and professional societies. He is actively involved in educating and training physicians in multiple aspects of Regenerative and Age Management Medicine.

  • Preventive Cardiologist, Miami, FL
  • President, Founding Partner and Chief Medical Officer, Hillstar Health LLC, Miami, FL

Pellerano, Cesar M. - M.D.Dr. Pellerano is a Preventive Cardiologist and Age Management Physician in Miami, Florida, and has been practicing for over 30 years. He received his M.D. degree at the University of Miami School of Medicine and trained in Internal Medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami, where he was Chief Medical Resident. His Cardiology Fellowship was completed at The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Pellerano has lectured nationally and internationally on Preventive Cardiology, Lipid Management, Inflammatory Markers and Age Management. He has served on the faculty and medical boards of various companies over the years. His current practice of Prevention and Age Management serves as a model for other physicians. Currently he is the President, Founding Partner and Chief Medical Officer of Hillstar Health LLC. This company provides customized turnkey solutions for physicians to help build new or grow existing Age Management Medicine Practices.

  • Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, University of Puerto Rico
  • Founder and President, Caribbean Gyn Institute, Caguas, Puerto Rico

Ponton, Alma C. - M.D., FACOGDr. Alma C. Pontón Nigaglioni is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist who earned her medical degree and completed her residency training at the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. She is the President of Caribbean Gyn Institute, which specializes in Gynecology, Anti-aging and Aesthetic medicine. She is also Assistant Professor of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the University of Puerto Rico where she is involved in the education and training of residents.

  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
  • Associate Staff, Yale Endocrinology Group
  • Private Practice Endocrinology, Middlebury, CT

Dr. Beatriz R. Olson, arrived to America as a Cuban refuge in 1971. She received her undergraduate education at Barnard College, medical degree at Columbia University, internal medicine residency and endocrinology fellowship training at University of Pittsburgh, and postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. She has extensive publications in peer-reviewed journals on basic and clinical endocrinology research and development of integrative medicine communities. She is board certified in the fields of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes. Dr. Olson has a certification in Age Management Medicine. She is past President of Connecticut’s Endocrine Society and is currently Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Yale School of Medicine where she has participated in teaching medical students & residents. Her private clinical practice for the past 22 years has focused on an Integrative approach to Endocrinology and Metabolism problems. She incorporates complementary healing disciplines to help her patients achieve the highest state of well-being. She has received awards from the state of Connecticut for her work and commitment to women’s health care, and has been selected by her colleagues as Top Doctors in America various times.


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