Age Management Medicine News: January 2019 – #4

Phone App Can Diagnose Anemia from Photos of Fingernails

Sam Wong

Dec. 4, 2018 (New Scientist) – A smartphone app can diagnose anemia by analyzing the color of a person’s fingernails in a photograph.

Anemia – a condition in which people have low levels of hemoglobin or not enough healthy red blood cells – affects over two billion people worldwide. If untreated, it can cause severe fatigue, heart problems and complications in pregnancy.

Tests for anemia require blood samples and specialized equipment that can be hard to access in the low income societies where anemia is most prevalent. Wilbur Lam of Emory University, Atlanta, and colleagues wondered if smartphones could offer a simple alternative.

Previous studies have shown that the degree of paleness in some body tissues, including the fingernail beds, is a reliable indicator of how anemic someone is. The skin beneath fingernails does not contain pigment, so hemoglobin – the oxygen-carrying pigment of the blood – is the main source of color.

The app allows people to obtain a hemoglobin measurement in seconds by photographing their fingernails and tapping the screen to indicate where the nails are in the image. It uses the photo metadata to account for and factor out ambient lighting conditions.

“Because it requires only a smartphone, our app enables anyone to screen themselves for anemia at any time – all they need to do is download the app,” says Lam.

Screening tool

The measurement is based on a database of photos of fingernails from people with known hemoglobin levels. Although not as accurate as a blood test, it may be sensitive enough to be useful for screening groups that have a high risk of anemia, such as the elderly, pregnant women and young children. However, it will need further testing with larger numbers of people to confirm its accuracy before being widely used.

The app can be made more accurate by personalizing it with a specific person’s measurements. That could make it useful for people who have been diagnosed to monitor their anemia painlessly at home, says Lam.

Lam’s team are also working on using smartphones to assess jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes caused by liver disease.

Journal reference: Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07262-2


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