AMMG Announces November Conference Agenda
Jeff Morris
This November’s Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine Conference in Tucson, Arizona, will include a revised format, featuring an expanded, two-day TBI workshop and a Peptide Certification course, in addition to the traditional multi-track Pre-Conference options and three days of General Sessions.
The conference, from November 7th to 10th, will begin with events on Wednesday. Dr. Mark Gordon’s comprehensive course on Traumatic Brain Injury is expanding, from the single-day pre-conference track it has occupied for the past several years, to a two-day workshop taking the discussion of TBI to the next level. Now running from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm on both Wednesday and Thursday, the TBI workshop will include several new sessions taught by Dr. Gordon, including one on Alzheimer’s Disease and Hormones, and one on Addressing Neuroinflammation with an Evidence-Based Nutraceutical Approach. And, for the first time, it will include a session taught by Dr. Edwin Lee, “Peptides and Brain Health.”
On Wednesday evening, a non-CME Practice Management Workshop from 6:00 to 9:00 pm will help participants develop marketable programs, transition into Age Management and build market share. It will include specifics on how to incorporate exosomes, hormones and exercise physiology into a practice.
Thursday is once again the day for concurrent pre-conference tracks. On November 7th, in addition to the second day of the TBI workshop, attendees will have three other tracks to choose from. “Introduction to Age Management Medicine” will cover all the basics, for those who are new to the field or want to get a feel for what it’s all about. It includes sessions on basic hormone replacement and replenishment for both men and women; the clinical use of supplements; patient assessment; diet and weight loss; fitness and exercise; and a look at one of the newest and most popular modalities, the use of peptides—specifically, ones that can take the place of human growth hormone. And there’s a session on how to ensure your practice is in compliance with all federal and state regulations.
“CBD, THC and Cannabis Derived Therapies for Age Management Medicine” will help fill an important gap in medical education, as legal medical use of cannabis-derived products has increased exponentially across the U.S. With all 50 states likely to have laws allowing medical use of marijuana in some capacity by 2021, this knowledge is a must for anyone planning to serve a rapidly growing patient base requesting such treatments. The sessions in this track will cover a wide range of scientific and legal issues, and provide guidance on the use of cannabis derivatives to treat multiple diseases and conditions of aging, including Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions, osteoporosis, women’s health issues, and much more.
A full-day Office-based Aesthetics track will once again be presented on a non-CME basis, offering hands-on and expert lessons in how to use the latest aesthetic procedures and techniques, either full-time or as an adjunct to an existing practice.
New to Thursday is a full-day Certification course in the Clinical Use of Peptides. Offered in conjunction with the Clinical Peptide Society, this seven hours of live training is a component of the full AMMG Clinical Use of Peptides and Peptide Therapies course, which includes 8.25 hours of Home Study Online. Those registered for the certification course can complete their home study at their own pace, attend this day of classes, and then take the culminating Peptides Certification Examination that ends the day.
As usual, general sessions will be held Friday, Saturday and half the day on Sunday, and will cover a wide range of cutting-edge treatment options, new science-based research, and practical lessons to keep your patients healthy, vital and happy, and your Age Management practice growing.
A new feature on Friday will illustrate just how innovative these ideas are: two Point/Counterpoint sessions on controversial issues in Age Management Medicine. Not surprisingly, with treatment strategies emerging faster than ever, not everyone agrees on which approach is best. In “Exosomes vs. Stem Cells” you will hear from Dr. George Shapiro and Dr. William Kapp III, whose views clearly diverge in this area. And in “Estrogen vs. No Estrogen,” Dr. Neal Rouzier and Dr. Rob Kominiarek will square off over the best approach. It will be up to you to evaluate the arguments.
The agenda itself is a fascinating read, revealing the wide variety of conditions, diagnostics, treatments, preventive steps, and advanced knowledge available to today’s Age Management practitioner. It can be seen here.