COVID-19 News and Updates: October 2020 – #3

Scientists say they found a ā€˜game changerā€™ in fight against COVID-19

A new study suggests thereā€™s a pocket in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that could be drugged to end the virusā€™ spread.

Herb Scribner

Sept. 24, 2020 (Deseret News)Ā ā€”Ā A new study from theĀ University of BristolĀ suggests thereā€™s aĀ druggable pocketĀ in theĀ SARS-Cov-2 spike proteinĀ that could help stop the coronavirus.

  • The researchers published their findings in the journal Science.
  • Scientists said the discovery is a ā€œgame changerā€ in defeating the coronavirus pandemic.

What the study said:

SARS-CoV-2Ā has multiple copies of glycoprotein ā€” or theĀ ā€œspike proteinā€ ā€” that attaches to our cells and infects us.

With the help of Oracle, the team built a 3D structure of theĀ SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, allowing them to research the ins and outs if the protein.

  • The researchers found ā€œa small molecule, linoleic acid (LA), buried in a tailor-made pocket within the spike protein,ā€ according to a release sent to the Deseret News.
  • LA canā€™t be developed by humans. But it plays ā€œa vital role in inflammation and immune modulation, which are both key elements of COVID-19 disease progression. LA is also needed to maintain cell membranes in the lungs so that we can breathe properly,ā€ the release said.
  • The researchers said those with COVID-19 had low levels of LA, which is why they had trouble breathing and why they suffered from inflammation.

Why it matters:

Now, the researchers said seeing the pocket allows them to see whether they can turn the virus against it self.

  • ā€œOur discovery of a druggable pocket within the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could lead to new anti-viral drugs to shut down and eliminate the virus before it entered human cells, stopping it firmly in its tracks,ā€ said professorĀ Christiane Schaffitzel


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